WinZero November Roundup
Creating Awareness
PechaKucha 2020
- Kirstine Lumb-McKay spoke about your self-sustainable Life at Greenlaw
- Rob Skinner – Landscape Regeneration – A way out of the mess
- Ian Hasslacher – Regenerative Agriculture Makes More Cents…
Click here to watch presentations
WinZero November Roundup
Empowering Awareness
Meeting with the Mayor | EV Charging & Ongoing Commitment
We met with the Mayor and senior WSC management on a number of issues, including fast charging Electric Vehicle facilities. A number of locations were identified for possible ‘destination’ chargers – further encouraging tourism from Sydney and the adoption of EVs generally.
The Acting General Manager also agreed to catch-up on a regular basis, and to listen to further advice and activity from WinZero.
Solar My School | Meeting with Ten Local Primary Schools
Coming up in the next week, we’re introducing Camilla Staff to ten local Primary
schools so she can take over our efforts as part of the Solar My School program.
Camilla works for Regional Development Australia Southern Inland, and is in charge of
the first regional expansion of the Solar My School project, which was very successful in Sydney. She’ll be able to smooth the way for solar on many of our smaller schools, negotiating with the NSW State Government bureaucracy on our behalf.
Wingecarribee Climate Advisory Panel | New Members Announced
Formed by the Wingecarribee Shire Council, the panel’s job is to guide the council’s response to their own declaration of a Climate Emergency, in February this year.
WinZero have been given a permanent seat at the table with Miles Lochhead representing us this year, however there were also another five seats up for grabs – and we’ve recently discovered they all belong to WinZero members!
Read Full Story Here
WinZero November Roundup
Did you Know
Global car manufacturers are phasing out the production of petrol and diesel cars over the next five to 10 years, so electric will soon be the only way to go…
WinZero November Roundup
Background Administration
And finally, in the spirit of transparency, here’s what else has been going on in the background.
EV Charging Discussions
We started discussions with a major supplier of EV charging facilities, with the eventual goal of enabling more charging facilities in the Southern Highlands.
TrueGreen Discussions
We initiated discussions with representatives of TrueGreen, the company proposing an EV assembly plant in Moss Vale.
Keeping the books
Local accounting firm, Oxley Partners, have kindly offered to keep the books for us on a pro bono basis – and we’ve enthusiastically accepted! Thanks to David Attenborough,
and his recent documentary, in helping to seal the deal!
Going for charitable status
The process continues, advised by Herbert Smith Freehills on a pro bono basis.
WinZero Strategy Session
All active members were invited to a strategy session to try and divine a way forward for WinZero.Our main issue is that there’s so much to do, and not enough resources to do it. So we need to be smarter with our use of time, money and effort.
Thanks to Nat Swainston and Reece Proudfoot for leading us through an introspective, and very helpful process. Watch this space for the results…
WinZero - How you can Help
Complete our Quick Survey
We’re surveying members to get a better idea of your thoughts on climate change, so if you haven’t completed it yet – please do so here – it only takes 30 seconds
Take survey now
WinZero November Roundup
Youngsters Call for Climate Action NOW!
- Tim Buckley (Director of Energy Finance Studies, IEEFA
- Jill Cockram – Moss Vale Community Garden
- Miles Lochhead – ZeRRo, Secretary of WinZero – Wingecarribee Net Zero Emissions