New coalition of Wingecarribee environmental groups officially launches today!
Before the pandemic but still in the haze of bushfires, members of the local community demonstrated concern for the environment in greater numbers than ever before. A full house at Bowral Town Hall for the Climate Forum, was followed months later by a Climate Emergency March, through Bowral in sweltering heat.
Acknowledging their concern, the Wingecarribee Shire Council decided to join 130 other local governments around the country, and on 12 February this year declared a Climate Emergency.
To assist in a community-wide transition a group has been formed to represent, and co-ordinate, all the environmental groups in the Shire. That organisation is WinZero. It officially launches today, and its ultimate goal is for Wingecarribee Shire to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050, if not before. A goal that’s easily achievable, says WinZero spokesperson Gaye White.
“Everything we need to become ‘net zero’ in this beau9ful place where we live is at our fingertips right now. We just need to make it happen, and the result will be an environment our children can grow up in that is sustainable for the present, and many future genera9ons.” she said.
Through the Climate Emergency Declara1on, Council has commiVed to develop a Community Climate Change Emergency Plan which has the potenial to deliver a range of support programs in response to the Emergency. There is, however, no express budget provision for climate ac1on projects, which is something that WinZero will be vigorously pursuing in the near future.
“It has been so easy just to get on with life, day by day, and not really plan too far ahead. We’re all guilty of it, but I think living through the smoke for months on end was a wake-up call, and now there’s a growing desire to ‘do something’. We aim to harness that desire, and channel it into action and provide greater economic certainty in a region that’s been hit pretty hard in recent times.” said Gaye.
WinZero will be holding events whenever it’s safe to do so. In the mean1me if you’d like to know more, and stay up-to-date with what’s happening, you are encouraged to visit and sign up for the NewsleVer. WinZero also plans to engage with Council and the Community over the coming months and years, and is always open to new ideas, sugges1ons, and of course volunteers. Please join us in this transi1on to a more sustainable future.
WinZero is a not-for-profit organisa1on run by volunteers from the local community. It represents Low Carbon Living Southern Highlands (LCLSH), Southern Highlands Community Renewable Energy (SCORE), SH Landcare Network, Moss Vale Community Garden, XR Wingecarribee, Schools Strike 4 Climate, BaVle for Berrima and Southern Highlands Parents for Climate Ac1on. WinZero will nurture and build on the great founda1ons set by these organisa1ons, and the original Climate Ac1on group CANWin which began in 2006 – other relevant organisa1ons are welcome to join us on this important journey.
If you would like more information on the above, please email Gaye White