WSC Climate Change Advisory Panel

In February 2020, the Wingecarribee Shire Council passed the motion to declare a Climate Emergency, and a forum was to be created where the community would be given a voice in the matter.

Councillor Larry Whipper has been instrumental in getting this off the ground. Creating the concept of the Climate Advisory Panel, defining its role and issuing the request for nominations.

A message from Larry Whipper (Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee). 

In my experience, environmental issues take patience, perseverance, belief and commitment to achieve – and the Council’s bureaucracy is no different from other tiers of government in that regard.

However my belief is that Local Government should reflect the values and aspirations of
our community – and while the Climate Change Advisory Group is undoubtedly long overdue, it’s significant step in the right direction.

As part of the selection panel, and also long-term Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee, I believe we have an excellent representation of the community on board. I’m excited about what this highly engaged working group will be able to do, to help the Council realise its responsibility following the Climate Change Declaration.

Their collective experience, I’m sure, will deliver valuable recommendations to the council through the Environment and Sustainability Committee. Suggestions that will, in turn, be directly considered at the Council level.

Creating a forum to hear the voice of the community in this matter is of the utmost importance, and I look forward to growing our commitment to Climate Action together.

Finally, I’d like to thank all of those who took to the time to apply for the working group.

Even if you were not accepted this time, there’s always another year, and your commitment to the community is part of what makes the Southern Highlands such a wonderful place to live. Thank you kindly for that.


Larry Whipper

Clr L A C Whipper (Larry)

Wingecarribee Shire Council

New members of the Climate Advisory Panel

Miles Lochhead

Miles Lochhead

Miles has been involved in the environmental movement for longer than he cares to remember, and helped establish CANWin almost 16 years ago now. 

Miles hopes that the CCAP’s work creates local awareness of the finite nature of ‘resources’, and that resultant actions help reverse the trends that are impacting on the health of our one and only ‘home’.  Real ‘greenwashing’, no vested interest….

Why me?  It’s in my DNA….


More on Miles here.


Nathalie Swainston

Nat has worked in public policy, campaigning, digital, marketing and service design for the last 15 years, focussing on environmental issues most of the time. She’s worked for The Climate Council, helped organise the Climate March, and in her spare time (not that there’s much of it) she’s an organiser for the Southern Highlands chapter of Parents for Climate Action. She is passionate about making even the most apathetic of community members understand the opportunities that exist for us all in climate action.


Greg Olsen

Greg Olsen

Greg is a keen environmentalist, sustainable living and renewable energy advocate, poet, guitarist and composer! And he’s sure to bring enthusiasm to the panel in all of these capacities.

Geoff Byrne

Geoff Byrne

Geoff was a founding member of CANWin 16 years ago. He’s been concerned about anthropogenic climate change for over 20 years, and would tell you the great thing about living a more sustainable lifestyle (apart from saving the planet!) is that it’s also very enjoyable.

Lyndal Breen

Lyndal is  passionate about the rehabilitation and regeneration of local areas through Landcare and has qualifications in Bush Regeneration and accreditation as a member of Australian Association of Bush Regenerators.  She worked as a teacher for many years and she is uniquely qualified to contribute to the climate change discussion.

Peter Bawden

Peter Bawden

Peter is an engineer who appreciates the threat climate change poses us all, and believes the solution lies in concerted action at the local level. He has a keen interest in solar energy, sustainable housing, EVs & bushwalking. 

We wish them all the best in their efforts in the coming year, and offer our full support whenever required.

Got something to say? 
Let us know we’ll pass on a message. If you have anything you’d like them to know, or anything you’d like them to raise with the council, please contact us here, and we’ll pass on a message for you.

What can the Climate Change Advisory actually achieve?

The role of the Climate Change Advisory Panel, as per the council, is to: 

-provide advice and recommendations to Council via the Environment and Sustainability Advisory Committee, in respect to specific initiatives and policies that Council and/or the community may undertake in response to climate change;

monitor and report  on evolving climate change related issues within the Shire;

provide input into Council climate change activities

provide advice and recommendations to Council via the Environment and Sustainability Advisory Committee in respect to educational and other strategies that Council may implement to encourage the Wingecarribee Shire community in its response to climate change;

actively support Council’s consultation  with and advocacy to the broader community on climate change matters;

– advocate and facilitate the construction of productive partnerships with residents, businesses, community groups and institutions;

act in an advisory capacity only and has no delegated authority to make decisions. The advisory group provides advice to Council, through the Environment and Sustainability Advisory Committee to assist them in their decision making.