Leading environment experts and leaders in the Southern Highlands are calling on the Frensham Board of Governors to abandon its DA for bush cabins in the critically endangered community in the Lower Holt.  

Representative of Australian Wildlife SocietyWildlife carers, Bushcare groups, WombatisedBirdlife Southern HighlandsWinZero and Australian Native Plants Society,  amongst others. signed an Open Letter addressed to the Frensham Board of Governors.

A taste of what is to come...

10 trees were cut down recently in the Lower Holt for a roundabout.  Imagine what the Lower Holt will look like when they cut down 249 trees for the Eco cabins?

Listen to Sarah Cains’ interview with Radio 2ST.  Sarah is a Frensham Old Girl, a horticulturist and long-time local resident in the Southern Highlands.