As BP announces a major strategic shift, have we reached a tipping point for sustainability?
Sometimes an idea is ahead of its time. But when BP announces it’s going to reduce oil production by 40%, pour billions into clean energy and its share price goes up by 8% – then sustainability is no longer part of the fringe. It’s mainstream economics.
The decision was made to support BPs pursuit of net zero emissions by 2050, and in Australia mining giants like BHP, Woodside, Orica & BlueScope Steel have pledged to do the same.
In the Southern Highlands, the push for zero emissions is being led by WinZero, a newly formed organisation that officially took over from Climate Action Now Wingecarribee, at the AGM on 3rd August.
“It was actually quite emotional. We watched a presentation of all the work that Mike Meldrum, Miles Lochhead, Jill Cockram and innumerable other people have done over the years. CANWin was established in 2006, they’ve worked tirelessly and now they’re finally passing the torch. It does feel as if we’ve reached a tipping point, however, and a more sustainable future finally looks within reach.” Clive West, WinZero Deputy Convenor.
In order to galvanise, and attract local sustainability projects, WinZero is working with the Southern Highlands Key Stakeholders Group in creating a ‘Resilience Hub’ in Moss Vale.
Once established, the centre will provide a workspace for people looking to increase economic opportunity within the Wingecarribee Shire – in a way that ensures long-term sustainability. WinZero will be concentrating on sustainability aspects of the Hub which will also have an education centre, and will be the go-to place for all things relating to reduction in carbon emissions, a major aim of WinZero.”
Back on the world stage, BPs announcement also came with a statement. “This coming decade is critical for the world in the fight against climate change, and to drive the necessary change in global energy systems will require action from everyone.”
Derek White, WinZero Convenor responded “We’re over the moon that BP have made this decision, and we totally agree – it will take action from everyone. So if you’d like to help out, please visit the website and see what you can do as an individual, or a business, and while you’re there, please consider become a member of WinZero too.”
To finish off we leave you with a question. Is sustainability an idea that has finally come of age…? Or is it just a passing phase… You can be the judge of that.
WinZero is a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers from the local community. It represents Low Carbon Living Southern Highlands (LCLSH), Southern Highlands Community Renewable Energy (SCORE), SH Landcare Network, Moss Vale Community Garden, Extinction Rebellion Wingecarribee, Schools Strike 4 Climate, Southern Highlands Parents for Climate Action, The Australian Plant Society Southern Highlands and The Traditional Owners Of The Wingecarribee Area – The Gundungurra Community. WinZero will nurture and build on the great foundations set by these organisations, and the original Climate Action group CANWin which began in 2006 – other relevant organisations are welcome to join us on this important journey.
If you would like more information on the above, please call Derek White at 0411 703 745 email on