Join WinZero
Membership Application - Get Involved
Membership renewals for WinZero are due 1 July 2024.
Membership includes being eligible to be involved in our numerous projects, access to all the information on our website, regular Newsletters, and the opportunity to participate and vote at General and Annual General Meetings.
Please remember you can Donate to WinZero at the same time as you renew!
Single Annual Membership 2024-25
WinZero Members will receive alerts to take action on important campaigns, be part of our projects. give you access to our Newsletters, invite you to meetings, forums and events and ask you to join our projects. This means you will be first to know about our latest work.
$30.00 p.a.
By submitting your purchase, you agree to the following declaration:
I agree to abide by the Constitution of WinZero Inc.
I acknowledge that my membership may be subject to approval by the WinZero Board.
WinZero Student and Pensioner Membership 2024-25
WinZero Members will receive alerts to take action on important campaigns, be part of our projects. give you access to our Newsletters, invite you to meetings, forums and events and ask you to join our projects. This means you will be first to know about our latest work.
$20.00 p.a.
By submitting your purchase, you agree to the following declaration:
I agree to abide by the Constitution of WinZero Inc.
I acknowledge that my membership may be subject to approval by the WinZero Board.
If you’d like to help but not get involved, fantastic, every penny helps. We’re a not-for-profit, run by volunteers, donations and goodwill. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Thanks in advance for your help.