WinZero Empowering Action
It’s now easier to become a member, and donate
We managed to drag ourselves into the 21st Century, and now you can sign up to be a member online. You can also donate on the same page, if you like. Check it out here, and feel free to share
Show some Attitude! Complete our survey….
We’re surveying members to get a better idea of your thoughts on climate change,
so if you haven’t completed it yet – please do so here – it only takes 30 seconds.
Council won’t sign a Memorandum of Understanding
We met with two Environmental Officers from the Wingecarribee Shire Council who told us senior management of Council is unwilling to sign a MOU. A touch disappointing to say the least, however we’re going to continue our dialogue on the basis an understanding is in place anyway. You can’t get anywhere without an open dialogue.
Council Environment and Climate Change Strategy progressing
Cecilia Kemp, from the Environment Office of the Wingecarribee Shire Council is also progressing the Environment and Climate Change Strategy, with the help of and external consultant, yet to be appointed. Community input, including from WinZero, will be part of the proces
Climate Advisory Panel | Thirteen community nominations
Last month we asked for nominations to be on the new Climate Change Advisory Panel, and thirteen people have put their names forward! Great news for the community, and we’ll keep you up to date with any decisions.s.
Ironbark discussions to broaden carbon emissions modelling
We’ve made contact with Beyond Zero Emissions’ partner, Ironbark, to see if they can extend their carbon emissions model to the Wingecarribee Shire. Watch this space…
One step closer to a partnership with a renewable energy company
A few legal hurdles still to jump, but we’re almost there with a renewable energy company who we will (hopefully) soon be able to recommend to the community.
New opportunities for commercial solar…
A couple of new commercial solar opportunities have crossed our path recently, and we’ll let you know what happens when we feel a bit more confident about it. Fingers crossed in the meantime. Our co-operation with Regional Development Australia Southern Inland, and the WSC in the Solar my School project for the Highlands schools continues.
WinZero Background Administration
And finally, in the spirit of transparency, here’s what else has been going on in the background.
Going for charitable status
We’ve decided to go for Charitable Status, which will make any donations tax deductable, and expand the number of grants we’re able to go for. Herbert Smith Freehills are advising on a pro-bono basis, and the process should take six months or so.
Keeping us legal, and insured
A new insurance policy has been negotiated to keep us legal, and insured, especially useful when we’re able to hold events again…
Meeting in the real world..?!
And speaking of such, we’ve zeroed in on the Volwing Hall in Moss Vale as an ideal location for possible future events.
And that’s it for October, thanks for reading and if you’d like to help, here’s what you can do:
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