The Centre for Water and Landscape Dynamics develops new methods to measure, monitor and forecast climate, water availability and landscape conditions. Our solutions often combine large amounts of data from satellites and sensor networks with field research, biophysical modelling and machine learning.

Our focus areas are extreme weather, bushfires, water resources, agriculture, forestry and our natural environment. Our activities span education and training, research, and developing practical solutions for decision-making. Among others, we develop innovative web-based platforms to help you find, explore and interpret environmental information derived from satellites and on-ground networks.


Centre for Water and Landscape Dynamics, Fenner School of Environment & Society Australian National University
Linnaeus Way, Acton 2601 ACT


Southern Highlands

Statistical Region (ABS)

Area: 2,330 km2

Climate indicators

averages for 2000-2019 Precipitation: 817 mm per year Days over 35°C: 2 per year Days with frost: 4.2 per year

Land use: Natural environments (41%), Grazing on native pasture (32%), Grazing on modified pasture (8%), Residential (7%), Production native forests (6%)

Tree cover: 0.09 Mha or 37.3% (2019)